Sara - this is sooooo good and super helpful! You are so right that unhealed grief comes out sideways.

And thanks for the reference to Bourgeault's critique of Wilber's 2017 essay (which I missed at the time). I loved her insight here: "greens think FOR oneness but FROM 'perception through differentiation;' how crazy-making is that? It’s a pretty significant developmental gap to navigate, causing their minds always to be out ahead of what their psyches can actually maintain. Hence the anger, the arrogance, and the hypocrisy."

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Sara, I think you've nailed it here. No one else (that I've seen) has identified this so simply. I've been saying for awhile that I thought we would come to regret the lack of processing/grieving/healing we did around the pandemic...and...yeah.

Thank you for articulating this.

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