I really, really liked this reflection - so many good things. And the toolkit and humility links are especially helpful in terms of difficult life stuff. Thank you for sharing.

While the Five Remembrances is good and absolutely in touch with the reality of our tangible world, I am making up my own five so that I remember to engage as well as disengage:

I am of the nature to grow. I open to maturity.

I am of the nature to darkness. I cannot escape griefs of life and of actions, my own actions and others’ actions.

I am of the nature to live. I will let the flame burn.

I am of the nature to disconnect and reconnect. I will hold all moments dear.

May I possess my body, my heart, my mind, my spark with power and freedom, knowing that I am of the nature to decay, die, and re-flame.

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Amy, your five remembrances are so great! Thank you for sharing these treasures with us.

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